Saturday, March 5, 2011


My husband, oldest daughter and I have been attending a homeschool conference for the past two days.  We still have one more day left and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me to learn tomorrow.  I want to encourage all parents who homeschool or are considering homeschooling to attend a homeschool conference. Hopefully I'll share more about how the conference in a later post, but for now I want to share about who I met and how I was encouraged today as I was browsing through the vendors.

I stopped at the FamilyLife's MomLife Today booth to ask about a weekend retreat/study that I want to go through with my daughters - Passport 2 Purity. Since my oldest daughter is 13, I want to go through this book with her first.  I have heard so many wonderful things about this study! Today God reminded me again of the beauty of getting to share God's design with my daughter in a retreat type setting. Her father and I have been praying daily for her and our other two children that they would stay holy and pure. She and I have had "the talk", but I still believe that this study will be a time when she can look back and remember that she made a commitment to stay pure.

So today at this booth, I met an amazing Godly woman, Tracey Eyster, who took time to encourage me and share with me how she and her husband went through this book with their daughter when she was 13.  It brought tears to my eyes because everything that she was sharing with me was just what I desire and long for with my own daughter. I connected with Tracey today and believe that God orchestrated the whole event! Isn't He a good God!  I found out later in our conversation that this amazing lady is the Creator and Senior Editor of the momlifetoday website.

Tracey not only encouraged me in mentoring and mothering my daughter, but also in keeping this blog going and being a mentor and encourager to other moms out there.  I believe that this meeting today was by devine appointment!  I'm not sure where God wants to take me with this blogspot, but I do believe that He is leading me through it. 

Isn't it neat, that as God has been speaking to me about mentoring to others, that he would send a mentor to me?  He is so faithful! I am just sitting here in awe Him.  I quoted Jeremiah 29:11 earlier this week, but I must do it again today:

 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Today God has given me a hope! As long as He know the plans for me, I will put my hope in Him and ask Him to bless this blog and hopefully bless others through it!  I can't wait till I get to have my mother/daughter weekend with my oldest! I have great hopes for that as well! 


  1. Agree with Tracey that Passport2Purity is an awesome product. Keep perservering with your blog and your homeschooling; you're right, His purposes are so far beyond what we know!

    Thanks for linking to MLT, too :).
    --Janel (MomLifeToday)

  2. Janel, thanks for visiting and for the encouragement!
