Wednesday, July 31, 2013

1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJV) says

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

This is a scripture that I learned in my youth. 

I know that we cannot always perceive how everyone will view our actions, but we know deep down that if it looks inappropriate, then maybe we should think twice before doing it. At that point, we need to check our motives and ask ourselves why am I wanting to do this and is there a better alternative. 

If it looks like it could be a compromising situation, then be careful because it could turn out to be dangerous. God's word here in 1 Thessalonians sets guidelines so that we don't even have to put ourselves in those compromising situations to begin with.

What we really have to be careful with in our society today is that sometimes "evil" doesn't really appear to be evil, especially if our spiritual vision gets blurry. It is so important to walk in His ways and to spend time in His word daily so that we can see sin for what it is. The Bible says that the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour. (1 Peter 5:8) He doesn't just want to nibble at us. The enemy wants to destroy us.  Don't give him that opportunity! 

Moms, be watchful! Don't let the enemy come into your home and devour you or your children. God placed you in their lives to teach and disciple them so that they too can be watchful. Don't miss an opportunity to teach them to recognize the enemy and then how to respond with the power God. Teach them to hate what is evil and cling to what is good (Romans 12:9). Help them to set boundaries so that can abstain from the appearance of evil.

Let me leave you with this scripture to meditate on.

 Psalm 119:9-11
     How can a young man keep his way pure?
        By living according to your word.
     I seek you with all my heart;
        do not let me stray from your commands.
     I have hidden your word in my heart;
        that I might not sin against you.

I decided to pick back up my blog this morning after seeing that people have been visiting the site and I haven't written in a very long time. Thank you so much for reading my blog. Please feel free to comment or share. This is really just a place where I can jot down life lessons that I am reminded of in my everyday living. I am reminded daily that I am blessed!