Wednesday, August 10, 2011

15 Year Anniversary

I have now been married to my best friend for fifteen years! Wow! Time has gone by so fast! When we got married, I knew I was marrying an incredible man. However, over the years, I have realized that he is much more incredible than I could have ever imagined. Brad completes me! He is my best friend, my spiritual leader, my love, my companion, my defender, my strong rock. He is the only man for me! As I am looking at these descriptions, this list resembles the list of what my Jesus is to me. The Bible says that the husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church. Well, in doing that, Brad's attributes line up with those of Jesus. I am so blessed!

I sat in the living room tonight while playing a game (Would You Rather) with the family and was in awe of what has taken place in fifteen short years. I looked at how grown up my children are becoming. We now have a fourteen year old daughter, a twelve year old daughter, and a ten year old son. I just can't stop saying how blessed I am. These three children are an enormous responsibility and at the same time they are an enormous amount of FUN! We knew as soon as we got married that we were ready to have children, which was a good thing because the Lord saw fit to bless us quickly! Like nine months after we were married! I am so grateful!

I didn't understand at age 22 how the decision to marry my best friend would change my life. I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I knew that I loved Brad and he loved me. I knew that he would work to provide for me and the family that we would some day have. I knew that we would serve the Lord together. I knew that God would bless us. I just had no clue what that was really going to look like. So now, fifteen years later, I sit here in awe.

No, we do not have it all together. No, we do not have all the answers. We have more questions than answers most of the time. I think that is what keeps us drawing strength and wisdom from the only One who knows the plans He has for us. I am looking forward to MANY more years married to the man of my dreams. My Superman!